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- !! Copyright (c) 2001 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
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- !! $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/Options,v 1.10 2003/02/15 06:46:30 paulo Exp $
- !! XAA options
- xaa.XaaNoCPUToScreenColorExpandFill:\
- Disables accelerated rectangular expansion blits from source patterns \
- stored in system memory (using a memory-mapped aperture).
- xaa.XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillRect:\
- Disables accelerated fills of a rectangular region with a full-color pattern.
- xaa.XaaNoColor8x8PatternFillTrap:\
- Disables accelerated fills of a trapezoidal region with a full-color pattern.
- xaa.XaaNoDashedBresenhamLine:\
- Disables accelerated dashed Bresenham line draws.
- xaa.XaaNoDashedTwoPointLine:\
- Disables accelerated dashed line draws between two arbitrary points.
- xaa.XaaNoImageWriteRect:\
- Disables acclerated transfers of full-color rectangular patterns from \
- system memory to video memory (using a memory-mapped aperture).
- xaa.XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillRect:\
- Disables accelerated fills of a rectangular region with a monochrome pattern.
- xaa.XaaNoMono8x8PatternFillTrap:\
- Disables accelerated fills of a trapezoidal region with a monochrome pattern.
- xaa.XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps:\
- Disables accelerated draws into pixmaps stored in offscreen video memory.
- xaa.XaaNoPixmapCache:\
- Disables caching of patterns in offscreen video memory.
- xaa.XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill:\
- Disables accelerated rectangular expansion blits from source patterns \
- stored in system memory (one scan line at a time).
- xaa.XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect:\
- Disables accelerated transfers of full-color rectangular patterns from \
- system memory to video memory (one scan line at a time).
- xaa.XaaNoScreenToScreenColorExpandFill:\
- Disables accelerated rectangular expansion blits from source patterns \
- stored in off-screen video memory.
- xaa.XaaNoScreenToScreenCopy:\
- Disables accelerated copies of rectangular regions from one part of video \
- memory to another part of video memory.
- xaa.XaaNoSolidBresenhamLine:\
- Disables accelerated solid Bresenham line draws.
- xaa.XaaNoSolidFillRect:\
- Disables accelerated solid-color fills of rectangles.
- xaa.XaaNoSolidFillTrap:\
- Disables accelerated solid-color fills of Bresenham trapezoids.
- xaa.XaaNoSolidHorVertLine:\
- Disables accelerated solid horizontal and vertical line draws.
- xaa.XaaNoSolidTwoPointLine:\
- Disables accelerated solid line draws between two arbitrary points.
- !! DDC Options
- ddc.NoDDC:\
- Disables DDC (Display Data Channel) so that the Xserver doesn't try to talk to\
- the Monitor. \
- Default: off, implies DDC is used.
- ddc.NoDDC1:\
- Disables use of DDC version 1 (DDC using vertical refresh). \
- Default: off, implies DDC1 is used.
- ddc.NoDDC2:\
- Disables use of DDC version 2 (DDC using I2C - usually over vga connector). \
- Default: off, implies DDC2 is used.
- !! FBDev options
- fbdev.fbdev:\
- The framebuffer device to use. \
- Default: /dev/fb0.
- fbdev.ShadowFB:\
- Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer. \
- Default: on.
- fbdev.Rotate:\
- Enable rotation of the display. The supported values are "CW" (clockwise, \
- 90 degrees), "UD" (upside down, 180 degrees) and "CCW" (counter clockwise, \
- 270 degrees). Implies use of the shadow framebuffer layer. \
- Default: off.
- !! MGA options
- mga.ColorKey:\
- Set the colormap index used for the transparency key for the depth 8 plane \
- when operating in 8+24 overlay mode. The value must be in the range 2-255. \
- Default: 255.
- !mga.HWcursor:\
- !Enable or disable the HW cursor. Default: on.
- mga.MGASDRAM:\
- Specify whether G100, G200 or G400 cards have SDRAM. The driver attempts to \
- auto-detect this based on the card's PCI subsystem ID. This option may be \
- used to override that auto-detection. The mga driver is not able to \
- auto-detect the presence of of SDRAM on secondary heads in multihead \
- configurations so this option will often need to be specified in multihead \
- configurations. Default: auto-detected.
- mga.NoAccel:\
- Disable or enable 2D hardware acceleration. Default: acceleration is enabled.
- mga.OverclockMem:\
- Set clocks to values used by some commercial X-Servers (G100, G200 and \
- G400 only). Default: off.
- mga.Overlay:\
- Enable 8+24 overlay mode. Only appropriate for depth 24. (Note: the G100 is \
- unaccelerated in the 8+24 overlay mode due to a missing hardware feature). \
- Default: off.
- mga.PciRetry:\
- Enable or disable PCI retries. Default: off.
- mga.Rotate:\
- Rotate the display clockwise or counterclockwise. This mode is unaccelerated. \
- Default: no rotation.
- mga.ShadowFB:\
- Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer. Default: off. \
- mga.SyncOnGreen:\
- Enable or disable combining the sync signals with the green signal. \
- Default: off.
- mga.UseFBDev:\
- Enable or disable use of on OS-specific fb interface (and is not supported \
- on all OSs). See fbdevhw(4) for further information. Default: off.
- mga.VideoKey:\
- This sets the default pixel value for the YUV video overlay key. \
- Default: undefined.
- mga.TexturedVideo:\
- This has XvImage support use the texture engine rather than the video \
- overlay. This option is only supported by the G200 and G400, and only in \
- 16 and 32 bits per pixel. Default: off.
- mga.NoHal:\
- Matrox provides a "Hardware Abstraction Layer", \
- a separate binary which enables extra hardware features from G400 onwards. \
- Default: HAL is used.
- !mga.DigitalScreen:\
- ! Option Ignored. Drivers auto-detect Digital output if they support it at all.
- !Default: Auto-detected.
- ! mga.TV:\
- ! Option Ignored. Drivers auto-detect TV if they support TV out at all.
- !Default: Auto-detected.
- mga.TVStandard:\
- (HAL only) Picture standard for TV out. Use "PAL" for 50Hz PAL. \
- Default: 60Hz NTSC.
- mga.CableType:\
- (HAL only) Set the cable type for TV out. Options are "SCART_RGB", \
- "SCART_COMPOSITE", or "SCART_TYPE2". Any other string enables the default. \
- Default: YC_COMPOSITE.
- mga.SwappedHead:\
- (HAL only) For Dual Head cards, reverse relationship between CRTC picture \
- generators and video output sockets. \
- Especially useful with TV or digital outputs. \
- Default: CRTC1 generates output for socket 1 and CRTC2 generates output for socket 2.
- mga.Crtc2Half:\
- In dual head mode, allow CRTC2 to use half of the video memory. \
- Default: CRTC2 uses min{8MB, half video RAM}, but see also Crtc2Ram.
- mga.Crtc2Ram:\
- In dual head mode, CRTC2 will use this many KB of video memory. \
- Overrrides Crtc2Half. \
- Default: CRTC2 uses min{8MB, half video RAM}, but see also Crtc2Half.
- mga.ShowCache:\
- An option for hackers. The pixmap cache lives in off-screen video memory. \
- This option extends the virtual desktop to show this part of video memory. \
- Default: Off.
- mga.AGPMode:\
- AGP bus speed multiplier, used by DRI. \
- Default: x1 (slowest but most stable).
- !! R128 options
- !r128.SWcursor: \
- !Selects software cursor. \
- !Default: off.
- r128.NoAccel:\
- Enables or disables all hardware acceleration. \
- Default: on.
- r128.Dac6Bit:\
- Enables or disables the use of 6 bits per color component when in 8 bpp \
- mode (emulates VGA mode). \
- Default: off.
- r128.VideoKey:\
- This overrides the default pixel value for the YUV video overlay key. \
- Default: undefined.
- r128.Display:\
- Select display mode for devices which support flat panels. Supported\
- modes are "FP", "CRT", "Mirror", "BIOS". \
- Default: "FP".
- r128.ProgramFPRegs:\
- Enable or disable programming of the flat panel registers.\
- Beware that this may damage your panel, so use at your own risk. \
- Default: device dependant.
- r128.PanelWidth:\
- Override flat panel width in pixels. \
- Default: determined using BIOS.
- r128.PanelHeight:\
- Override flat panel height in pixels. \
- Default: determined using BIOS.
- r128.UseFBDev:\
- Enable or disable use of on OS-specific fb interface (and is not supported \
- on all OSs). See fbdevhw(4) for further information. Default: off.
- r128.DMAForXv:\
- Try or don't try to use DMA for Xv image transfers. This will reduce CPU \
- usage when playing big videos like DVDs, but may cause instabilities. \
- Default: off.
- !! Radeon options
- radeon.SWcursor:\
- Selects software cursor. Default: off.
- radeon.NoAccel:\
- Disables all hardware acceleration. Default: off.
- radeon.Dac6Bit:\
- Enables or disables the use of 6 bits per color component when in 8 bpp \
- mode (emulates VGA mode). Default: off.
- radeon.VideoKey:\
- This overrides the default pixel value for the YUV video overlay key. \
- Default: undefined.
- radeon.UseFBDev:\
- Enable or disable use of an OS-specific framebuffer device interface \
- (which is not supported on all OSs). Default: off.
- radeon.AGPMode:\
- Set AGP data transfer rate. (used only when DRI is enabled) \
- Valid choices: 1 (default), 2 and 4
- radeon.AGPFastWrite:\
- Enable AGP fast write. (used only when DRI is enabled) \
- Default: off.
- radeon.ForcePCIMode:\
- Force to use PCI GART for DRI acceleration. (used only when DRI is enabled) \
- Default: off.
- radeon.DDCMode:\
- Force to use the modes queried from the connected monitor. Default: off.
- radeon.CloneDisplay:\
- This option is only used for dual-head cards with only single screen section \
- specified in the configuration file. Valid choices: \
- 0 - disable (one CRTC used for both heads) \
- 1 - auto-detect (default) \
- 2 - force on \
- 3 - auto-detect + 2nd head overlay \
- 4 - force on + 2nd head overlay \
- radeon.CloneMode:\
- Set the first mode for the secondary head. It can be different from the modes \
- used for the primary head. If you don't have this line while clone is on, the \
- modes specified for the primary head will be used for the secondary head.
- radeon.CloneHSync:\
- Set the horizontal sync range for the secondary monitor. It is not required if \
- a DDC capable monitor is connected. Default: undefined.
- radeon.CloneVRefresh:\
- Set the vertical refresh range for the secondary monitor. It is not required \
- if a DDC capable monitor is connected. Default: undefined.
- radeon.PanelOff:\
- Disable panel output. Only used when clone is enabled. Default: off.
- radeon.EnablePageFlip:\
- Enable page flipping for 3D acceleration. This will increase performance but \
- not work correctly in some rare cases. Default: off.
- !! NeoMagic options
- neo.StrangeLockups:\
- Before XFree86 version 4.2.0 many NeoMagic systems experienced \
- strange lockups unless they used the options \
- "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect" and "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill". \
- Setting this to "No" is faster but will lock some machines. \
- Default: Yes.
- !! Vesa options
- vesa.ShadowFB:\
- Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer. See shadowfb(4)\
- for further information. Default: on.
- !! SiS Options
- sis.NoAccel:\
- Disable or enable acceleration. \
- Default: acceleration is enabled.
- !sis.HWcursor:\
- !Enable or disable the HW cursor. \
- !Default: on.
- !sis.SWcursor:\
- !The opposite of HWCursor. \
- !Default: on.
- sis.NoXVideo:\
- Disable XV (XVideo) extension support. \
- Default: off.
- sis.SetMClk:\
- Set the memory clock in MHz. \
- Default: autodetect.
- sis.PciRetry:\
- Enable or disable PCI retries. \
- Default: on.
- sis.TurboQueue:\
- Enable or disable TurboQueue mode. \
- Default: off for SIS530, on for the others.
- sis.FastVram:\
- Enable or disable FastVram mode. \
- Default: on.
- sis.Rotate:\
- Rotate the display clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW). \
- This mode is unaccelerated, and uses the Shadow Frame Buffer layer \
- Default: no rotation.
- sis.ForceCRT2Type:\
- Force display type to one of: TV, LCD or VGA. \
- Default: autodetect.
- sis.ShadowFB:\
- Enable or disable use of the shadow framebuffer layer. See shadowfb(4) for \
- further information. Default: off.
- !! Generic driver options, apply to many drivers
- *.SWcursor:\
- See also HWcursor.\
- Default: Usually Off.
- *.HWcursor:\
- Use the hardware cursor. See also SWcursor. \
- Default: usually HWcursor, but some drivers may default to software.